Berea Friends Meeting Berea Friends Meeting
Quaker worship

How Friends worship

Friends worship together in silence, remembering the words of Jesus: "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them."

In a meeting for worship in the "unprogrammed" tradition of which Berea Friends Meeting is a part, there is no one minister and no prearranged service. Instead, there is a common will to be gathered in prayer. Silent worship provides an opportunity for all present to open hearts and minds to the presence of God and to join in active waiting for the guidance of the Spirit.

The silence may be broken from time to time, as a worshipper feels moved by the Spirit to share a message. Sometimes the worship hour passes in sustained silence, without any spoken ministry.

Young Friends

Younger children worship with the adults for the first 15 minutes and then leave to participate in religious education activities which Friends call First Day School. Our teens begin the hour in their own youth group and join the adults before the close of worship.

Although most children attend First Day School, families may also choose to stay together in worship for the entire hour, or for as long as they can do so comfortably.

Following worship

After about an hour, the meeting for worship closes as Friends turn to their neighbors and all in the circle shake hands and the children return from First Day School. Berea Friends Meeting then has time for all those present to introduce themselves and to offer any messages that did not rise to be spoken during meeting for worship. Following introductions, worshippers announce meeting and community events.


Berea Friends Meeting
300 Harrison Road, Berea, KY
859-334-0406 voice mail only  Find us on Facebook